Sunday 7 April 2013

LG Avatarbook announced

When about consumer electronics firm LG, what comes in mind first? Well, those snazzy looking Smart TVs would be right top wishlist folks, wonderful fridges a whole lot thrown in mix compared TVs . Well, here new kind smart TV app which a whole lot augment one’s imagination, enables young learners part children’s stories. In a nutshell, Avatarbook ones squarely thick .

The Avatarbook smart TV app children themselves onscreen main characters, where they versions classics such, Pinocchio . Other than that, Avatarbook a fantastic method learners far manner-appropriate literature .

Richard Choi, senior vice president Smart Business Center Electronics, said, “Avatarbook ’s commitment child-friendly, interactive educational apps Smart TV platform. As a medium, Smart TV potential engage young learners ways. As a leading Smart TV manufacturer, strongly unique applications entire family .”

all too easy part exciting tale tune, kids so themselves. First , one from 10 fun songs classic children’s stories, following that, they able a self portra using Smart TV’s integrated camera. There different hairstyles from, , shape new avatar’s face. Expect be’s App store later t.

[ LG Avatarbook announced ]

Posted by: Daily Gadget Blog Daily Gadget Blog Updated at: 21:00