Friday 19 April 2013

Forget your Keys? Use Your Smartphone!

Sure, its happened once. I lost my house keys, left them wrong car, them mother who was stopping over . It’s a simple thing, should taken extra keys made, one under , but day I’m anyone does.

Well, First Watch Security nifty home entry alternative, forget door openers, why ? Working smartphone Bluetooth 4.0 a 128 b, The First Watch Security Smart Deadbolt lets phone.

Any users Deadbolts doors via app simply icons Smartphone.  Not who gets access home, but when. T works existing garage door opener simple addition access control device. Whereas Deadbolt works standard door preparations, a screwdriver, years AA batteries.

Okay, I guess I could like this. SecuRemote garage now, around 149 bucks, Deadbolt its way around show circu should be available soon. Check out, pricing, information. So suppose, I keep track phone about someone hacking their way in house? Does Bluetooth enabled home entry delight you? … Let us know.
[ Forget ? Use Your Smartphone! ]

Posted by: Daily Gadget Blog Daily Gadget Blog Updated at: 21:00