Monday 20 May 2013

Romanian teenager advances self-driving car idea

Ionut Budisteanu certainly does seem a pretty bright future ahead , especially after he picked top prize Intel International Science Fair, which so happens high school science research competition world. T mean Budisteanu managed E. Moore Award, $75,000 prize named Intel co-founder scientist. According organizers Intel International Science Fair, “Their research demonstrates work thinking. All International Science Fair finalists here t show great promise problems opportunity global community.” Just what made Ionut’s work so valuable? Well, he manages a major global issue reducing self-driving car dramatically, so much so could make such technology affordable mainstream folks.

Thanks array -D radar cameras, Ionut created a feasible design autonomously controlled car which enough traffic lanes , track real-time position car. The best part news is? The entire shebang would cost a mere $4,000, which whole lot Google using self driving car project.

Ionut decided webcam imagery using artificial intelligence technology out items like curbs, lane markers, knows, soccer balls which so happen out field on road, would be able high end 3D radar, resulting use low-resolution 3-D radar done when large objects such vehicles, houses, like trees. Ionut ran 50 simulations system, where , no accidents were recorded. Three simulations involved -recognition who were 65 feet (20 meters) away, slightly higher-resolution 3-D radar should get done down .

[ Romanian teenager advances self-driving car idea ]

Posted by: Daily Gadget Blog Daily Gadget Blog Updated at: 21:00