Monday 1 July 2013

This Batman Belt Buckle will blast out your theme song, everywhere you go

I think it’s pretty safe most kids were young, they had dreams a super hero. Heck, some adults still wish be one, though we’ve come too many reasons why ’t. (Radiation doesn’t work, kids.) However, if you’ve got a kid own, remember them, all right costume them feel like they .

This Batman Symbol Belt Buckle With Speaker might able down , but like everything else Caped Crusader’s belt, multiple functions. Not buckled, blast out tunes. Just use stereo jack in phone player, ’re ready . I might recommend downloading ′s Batman theme, so appropriate music .

T gadget requires a pair batteries , set just $25. That’s right, ’t need Wayne yourself feel like Batman.

Source: CraziestGadgets

[ T Belt Buckle out song, everywhere ]

Posted by: Daily Gadget Blog Daily Gadget Blog Updated at: 21:00