Tuesday 9 July 2013

CulCharge ensures you always have a way to charge your phone

I remember being back school, math teacher tell us able solve problems, because ’t carry a calculator everywhere when out in real world. While those lessons were good ones, almost everyone does rather powerful calculator pocket. In fact, most can’t seem parted from our smartphones. So what happens when you’re office, phone , charger?

If carrying the CulCharge, then USB port phone juiced up. The CulCharge smallest USB chargers around, measures 6cm long. At, it’s small enough keychain, unnoticed. It’s even thin enough in wallet, without causing a bulge.

Due small size, they aren’t able multiple connectors on CulCharge. You’ll need a separate one type . They available, MiniUSB, 30-pin iPhone, plugs, depending need. If campaign, you’ll be able one $9, unless you’re after 5′s Lightning connector, case, you’ll need $15 (due increased costs associated).
[ CulCharge ensures way ]

Posted by: Daily Gadget Blog Daily Gadget Blog Updated at: 21:00