Wednesday 28 November 2012

Future LEGO Clock?

If a frequent visitor odds tinkered life. Maybe ’s frying pan in flying saucer. Or maybe a robot take hamper. Not all tinkering succeeds. But our minds keep trying!

Meet Hans Andersson, a Swedish gentlemen who bought a LEGO® Mindstorm k few years back. They did kit, but Hans did, some new robots. A few years later – after creating a Rubik’s Cube solver solver – he tried a LEGO clock. He revised Twister a Time Twister 2. sort LCD looking clock made entirely . Watch below action, but envision dig connected chain. The start chain must keep spinning – direction – until segment place. Why? Only one motor per digit. Digits using LEGO Mindstorms NXT Intelligent Bricks. Time Twister 2 looks much original. So perhaps Hans some attention go around. Maybe be able one creations someday. But if nothing else, let’s applaud Mr. Andersson mastery appreciate – tinkering.

Via: Technabob
[ Future LEGO Clock? ]

Posted by: Daily Gadget Blog Daily Gadget Blog Updated at: 21:00