Friday 20 December 2013

Tinder Hot Box Solar Fire Starter will only save you when it’s sunny

Tinder Hot Box

Aside from needing food, shelter, whilst camping, having a roaring fire around. away, cook food quite nicely. Of course, starting said fire easy task. give rubbing sticks together a try, bring a box . If you’re going out wilds than a few days though, you’re going a better way started.

The Tinder Hot Box Solar Fire Starter guaranteed method some tinder alight…if . T solar powered same way a magnifying glass ants powered (I underst kids think fun). properties aircraft-grade aluminum on tinder, ’ll fire time.

There air -tight compartment bottom allow store tinder own, but’t mean ’t use what . T cost $40, which money well-spent if a camping enthusiast. Just remember you’ll need completely still time . Not, but you’ll need care reflective aspect gizmo, otherwise it’s terribly useful.

Available on Amazon, found via RedFerret
[ Tinder Hot Box Solar Fire Starter save it’s sunny ]

Posted by: Daily Gadget Blog Daily Gadget Blog Updated at: 21:00