I’m always trying movies shows iPad devices, TV watching time killer. If I wa my daughter’s volleyball practice, a doctors appointment, a little television makes go much faster. Wish I could just take my TV everywhere.
Check out Belkin @TV, which makes able in home TV, so watch whatever TV (or DVR) including all shows anytime, anywhere. It’s like being living room, except you’re actually wherever .
So watch TV smartphones, tablets, PCs, computers. With @TV Plus, also watch anything already recorded DVR record directly mobile device, allowing enjoy shows, movies, smartphone, even when ’t Internet connection.
@TV enough , simply connect receiver set-top box using component cables the @TV Plus app mobile device.(around 13 bucks for iOS, Android ) The box transm web, mobile device able programming through a Wi-Fi, 3G, connection.
Wow, quick content sharing, and in TV remote. How cool ? @TV at amazon.com $179 bucks be gift gadget lover home. Mom, reading this?
[ Belkin@TV plus – Your TV, Where It ]